Time Tracking in Home Office with Excel

During Corona breakout more and more employees work from home. With the growing importance of home office, also the need for efficient and reliable time tracking grows. A common pratice found in many companies is to use an Excel worksheet to record work time. By the end of the week or the month, the time tracking worksheet is sent via e-mail to a supervisor who in turn needs to approve the tracked work time. The supervisor would then e-mail the worksheet to another staff member responsible for booking the tracked work time. This or very alike is how time tracking processes work in thousands of companies. Obviously, such processes cause a lot of e-mail traffic. This raises the need for more digital, effcient and less error-prone time recording and tracking processes.


Efficient time recording and tracking processes in home office

There are many tools for tracking time on a day to day basis. But if you want a tool for the entire process around time recording and tracking (including approvals), Spreadsheet Router is for you. Spreadsheet Router is a tool for efficient Excel worksheet based workflows. With Spreadsheet Router you can digitalize time tracking and recording processes. It lets you explicitly define and automate a workflow for your time tracking worksheet. You can define steps of the workflow, like approval of the recorded time, and users and roles responsible for these workflow steps.

Users can access their tasks in a Spreadsheet Router worklist via web browser or in an add-in worklist in Outlook. Spreadsheet Router ensures that all users get their tasks as predefined in the workflow with all information needed. Automated booking the recorded time in third party tools is also possible.

Being a web application, Spreadsheet Router is perfect for use in home office. Employees can easily book their time using the worksheet they are familiar with. Supervisors can easily access and approve the recorded time even in home office. Being a workflow tool, Spreadsheet Router lets you monitor running and completed processes. Contact us to learn more on how to digitalize and automate time recording and tracking processes with Spreadsheet Router.

Home Office time tracking with Excel

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